Host: Dr. Iheme N. Ndukwe
Topic: Job 22:21-23. “Return To Be Built”
Topic: John 4:23. “Give God True Worship”
Topic: Matthew 16:18a. “Thou Art Peter, ... "
Topic: Matthew 16:18c. Jesus “My Church”
Topic: Matthew 16:18e. “The Gates of Hell shall not prevail against the church”
Topic: Isaiah 66:1. “ We Are God’s Building”
Topic: Matthew 16: 13-16. “Who Do You Say That I Am?: Thou Art the Christ!
Topic: Matthew 16:18b. “And Upon This Rock ... "
Topic: Matthew 16:18d. Building with Jesus
Topic: Matthew 17:1-8. “The Transfiguration”
Topic: Luke 24:1-8; “The Resurrection”
Topic: The Sermon on the Mount Part One: Two types of Foundation -Matthew 7:24:27
Topic: "The Resurrected life in Christ" Colossians 3:1-4
Topic: “The Sermon on the Mount part Two: The poor in spirit - Matthew 5:3”
Topic: “The Sermon on the Mount part Three: Those who mourn - Matthew 5:4”
Topic: The Sermon on the Mount part Five: Those who hunger and thirst after righteousness - Matthew 5:6 kjv
Topic: “The Sermon on the Mount part Four: The meek - Matthew 5 vs 5”
Topic: The Sermon on the Mount part Six : Matthew 5:7- The Merciful
Topic: - The Sermon on the Mount part 7: Matthew 5:8 - The pure in heart
Topic: - The Sermon on the Mount part 9: Matthew 5:10 - The persecuted (1)
Topic: - The Sermon on the Mount part eleven: Matthew 5:11-12 - The persecuted should Rejoice
Topic: - God's Vision is assured: Matthew 2:11
Topic: - The Sermon on the Mount part 8: Matthew 5:9 - The peacemakers
Topic: - The Sermon on the Mount part Ten: Matthew 5:11 - The Reviled and persecuted (2)
Topic: - Celebrating the Birth of Jesus
Psalm 68:11
Topic: - Restoration in God's Calendar:
Psalm 90:4
Topic: - Ye are the salt of the Earth:
Mathew 5:13
Topic: - God is our Helper - Genesis 49 vs 25
Topic: - Rest in the Lord - Psalms 37 v 7
Topic: - Don't Faint, You Have A Ministry PT 2
- 2 Corinthians 2 vs 17
Topic: - John the Baptist: An Example of Preparing for the Coming of the Lord Pt 2 - Mathew 3:1-4
Topic: - The Triumphal Entry- John 12 vs 12
Topic: - Acts 1 vs 6
Topic: - Acts 1 vs 15
Topic: - 2 Timothy 2 vs 19
Topic: - Acts 4 vs 31
Topic: - Philippians 2 vs 12
Topic: - Christ is end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believes - Mathew 5 vs 19
Topic: - Getting right with men and with God !! - Mathew 5:23 vs 24
Topic: - Ye are the light of the World
Mathew 5 v 14
Topic: - The Meek shall increase their Joy - Isaiah 29 v 19
Topic: - Don't Faint, You Have A Ministry PT 1
- 2 Corinthians 4 vs1
Topic: - John the Baptist An Example of Preparing Pt 1 - Mathew 3:1-4
Topic: - It is Written - Matthew 4 vs 1 - 4
Topic: - Acts 1 vs 1
Topic: - Acts 1 vs 12
Topic: - 2 Timothy 2 vs 15
Topic: - Acts 2 vs 22
Topic: - Philippians 2 vs 5
Topic: - Jesus Christ - the Fulfillment of the Law & Prophets
- Mathew 5 vs 17 - 18
Topic: - You shall not murder … …. ! - Mathew 5 vs 21
Topic: - Do Not Give In To Lust; And Commit Adultery in the Heart!! - Mathew 5 vs 27
Topic: - Divorce Not but Live in Love and Reconciliation; For God hates Divorcement - Mathew 5 vs 31-32
Topic: - There’s An Appointed Time : Wait for It, Work by It !! -
Luke 1 vs 57
Topic: - Be Intentional to Seek the Lord & His Covenant Blessings, Not the Crumbs or Alternatives. - Isaiah 51 vs 1
Topic: - Righteousness Says : "Make Wholehearted & Selfless Giving A Part of You!” Mathew 5 vs 42
Topic: Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. - Mathew 5 vs 48
Topic: “Be A Prince of God that has Power in God!” - Mathew 6 v 5
Topic: Return to the Lord, for He will Abundantly Pardon and shall Build You Up! - Isaiah 55 vs 7
Topic: Hossana! Jesus Saves!! Just Give Him To Ride On Your Back!!! - John 12 vs 12
Topic: - Guard thy tongue; Think before you speak! - Mathew 5 vs 33
Topic: - All Authority is of the Lord God : (So Locate yourself in Him) - Luke 2 vs 1
Topic: - Avenge not Yourself, For Vengeance Is of The Lord
- Mathew 5 vs 38
Topic: - Examine Your Love to Love like God loved”
- Mathew 5 vs 43-47
Topic: Give with the right motive : which is to please God and Not Man (self,others) Or Circumstances - Mathew 6 v 1-4
Topic: Seek ye the LORD while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near! - Isaiah 55 vs 6
Topic: Riches Are not Blessings! True Blessings Come Only From God! - Proverbs 10:22
Topic: A Faithful Witness Does Not Lie! Who Are You?? - Matthew 28:11-15
Topic: Who Is An Overcomer? - 1 John 5 vs 5 - 7
Topic: All & Absolute Authority is given to our Savior Jesus Christ!! - Mathew 28 vs 18
Topic: Know the truth and apply the truth always -Acts 1 vs 1 - 2
Topic: Are You troubled? Hear Jesus speak to Your Heart!-John 14 vs 1-2
Topic: Are You Preparing? Heaven Is Open Only For Those Prepared Through The Word of God - John 14 vs 2-3
Topic: Hear This : Don’t Come to The Point Where you begin to judge God! - Malachi 3 vs 13
Topic: God’s Promises Are For All Who Walk In His Ways, His Truth and Live By His Life! - Acts 2 vs 28
Topic: Be a companion of those who fear the Lord and who keep His word - Malachi 3 vs 16
Topic: Those who God Makes His Jewels ! - Malachi 3 vs 17
Topic: “God is looking for faithful men and women who are committed and zealous to maintain good works.” - 2 Timothy 2 vs 11
Topic: If We Believe Not, yet God Abides Faithful: He Cannot Deny Himself - 2 Timothy 2 vs 13
Topic: 1 Thessalonians 5 vs 24
Topic: The Race Of Life Is a Race of Endurance: Don’t Give Up To Challenges Too Soon !!! - 2 Timothy 2 vs 12
Topic: 1 Timothy 3 vs 16
Topic: - 1 Timothy 4 vs 1
Topic: Lies-In-Hypocrisy? - 1 Timothy 4 vs 2
Topic: 1 Timothy 4 vs 3
Topic: 1 Timothy 4 vs 6 - 7
Topic: 1 Timothy 4 vs 8
Topic: 1 Timothy 4 vs 9 - 11
Topic: Be An Example of ‘The Believers’ :: Influence Others Unto Godliness through The Holy Spirit’s Power! - 1 Timothy 4 vs 12
Topic: 1 Timothy 4 vs 13-14
Topic: 1 Timothy 4 vs 15
Topic: 1 Timothy 4 vs 16
Topic: 1 John 1 vs 1 - 4
Topic: 1 John 1 vs 5 - 7
Topic: John 8 vs 12 - 14
Topic: John 8 vs 15 - 18
Topic: John 9 vs 1 - 5
Topic: Genesis 3 vs 14 - 15
Topic: Galatians 4 vs 4
Topic: Luke 2 vs 7
Topic: Matthew 2 vs 1
Topic: 1 John 1 vs 8
Topic: 1 John 2 vs 1 - 2
Topic: 1 John 2 vs 3
Topic: 1 John 2 vs 7
Topic: 1 John 2 vs 12 - 14
Topic: 1 John 2 vs 15
Topic: 1 John 2 vs 17
Topic: 1 John 2 vs 18
Topic: 1 John 2 vs 20
Topic: 1 John 2 vs 24
Topic: The Triumphal Entry - John 12 vs 12
Topic: 1 John 2 vs 27
Topic: 1 John 3 vs 1
Topic: 1 John 3 vs 4
Topic: Acts 2 vs 4 - 11
Topic: 1 John 3 vs 9 - 10
Topic: 1 John 3 vs 13 - 15
Topic: 1 John 3 vs 16
Topic: 1 John 3 vs 23 - 24
Topic: Genesis 3 vs 1 - 3
Topic: Genesis 3 vs 7 - 8
Topic: Genesis 3 vs 12 - 13
Topic: Deuteronomy 7 vs 9 - 10
Topic: 1 Kings 8 vs 57
Topic: Psalm 37 vs 3
Topic: Psalm 37 vs 4
Topic: Psalm 37 vs 8
Topic: Psalm 37 vs 10 - 11
Topic: Lamentation 3 vs 25 - 28
Topic: Luke 1 vs 57
Topic: PSALM 67 vs 5 - 6
Topic: 1 John 2 vs 26
Topic: “The Resurrection” - Luke 24:1-8;
Topic: 1 John 2 vs 28
Topic: 1 John 3 vs 2
Topic: Acts 2 vs 1 - 3
Topic: 1 John 3 vs 7 - 8
Topic: 1 John 3 vs 11 - 12
Topic: 1 John 3 vs 16 - 17
Topic: 1 John 3 vs 21
Topic: Psalms 29 vs 1 - 11
Topic: Genesis 3 vs 4 - 6
Topic: Genesis 3 vs 9 - 11
Topic: Genesis 3 vs 14
Topic: Proverbs 16 vs 16
Topic: 1 Corinthians 1 vs 9
Topic: Proverbs 3 vs 5
Topic: Psalm 37 vs 7
Topic: Psalm 37 vs 9
Topic: Lamentation 3 vs 22 - 24
Topic: Proverbs 16 vs 13
Topic: Luke 2 vs 8
Topic: James 1 vs 2 - 4